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Rocket Lawyer Reviews

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Editor's Overall Rating:
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Category: US Legal Forms Websites
Website: http://www.rocketlawyer.com

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Rocket Lawyer Review

by No1Reviews.com.

Editor's Star Ratings:

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Editor's Review:

RocketLawyer not only provides tools to help you create legal documents, it also provides the resources to locate lawyers who might be of service. This two-toned attack makes it a useful resource for creating and developing reliable legal forms, and the site offers a few freebies too boot.

What’s noticeable about this site is that it offers several services for helping you to find lawyers. Subsequently it’s most suited to individuals or institutions which have little or no legal experience and will require the support of an industry professional. It allows you to be matched with attorneys based on your needs, to search for them through the national directory or to ask lawyers your questions directly through a live chat. In particular this live chat feature is excellent as it means you’ll get instant advice as you need it.

Creating legal documents is relatively easy, although you’ll discover that there aren’t as many documents on this site as there are elsewhere. In fact there are only hundreds of document templates, compared with millions that you’ll find elsewhere. However if the site does offer the documents you need then there should be no issue in using it. Creating the forms requires that you follow step-by-step instructions. Once that’s completed your form is pretty much ready, you simply need to edit, download and print the document as you need it. You can also access your document online, making it really useful if you’re on the move or want to send it in an email. Once this is all complete you can still ask a lawyer to review your work (a service provided by the site at a charge), and you can receive larger discounts if you still require more help.

RocketLawyer offers a free 1 week trial, as well as allowing you to create your first document for free. We assume, though, that this probably doesn’t come with the assistance of a lawyer. You’ll have to remember to cancel this free period, too, otherwise you’ll be charged $39.99 per month. There are however several legal resources that you can access without signing up, including a lawyer directory, articles on legal help and a legal directory.

If you’re an attorney then you can add your lawyer profile to the site in the hope that clients will want to hire you for your services. You can also be matched with clients, depending on their needs, meaning that work will come your way without needing to hunt for it.

The site is generally easy to navigate but does feel a bit sparse in comparison to some of its peers. There’s a greater focus on acquiring professional help, rather than simply creating your own documents and being done with it, which is also reiterated by the fact that the site itself doesn’t always include the necessary information on each and every form and its uses. So whilst RocketLawyer does provide the means to create legal forms, it also encourages you to pay for legal assistance. This is fine if you feel very uncertain as to what needs to be included in your documents and you have the money to pay for support, but if you’re just looking to create a document quickly without any help then you may wish to go to a site that offers a greater range and a more hands off approach.

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