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Real Deal Docs Reviews

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Editor's Overall Rating:
Average User Rating:
(based on 9 reviews)

Category: US Legal Forms Websites
Website: http://www.realdealdocs.com

Our Review Costs & Features User Reviews

Real Deal Docs Review

by No1Reviews.com.

Editor's Star Ratings:

Variety of Documents:
Quality of Documents:
Ease of Use / Navigation:
Ease of Joining / Registration:
Customer Support:
Value for Money:
Overall Star Rating:

Editor's Review:

With literally millions of documents available, Real Deal Docs certainly has a lot of choice. Combined with its subscription system, this makes it a good option for businesses and law firms, but it perhaps isn’t the best choice if you’re looking for just one or two forms.

The site contains millions of documents for you to search through or browse. Searching is quite complex, but it needs to be so that you can accurately locate the documents you need. This is one reason why the site is more suited towards users who have an idea of what they’re looking for. Browsing is, in some senses, more simple: documents have been arranged into a variety of alphabetised key categories which you simply read through until you locate the documents you’re interested in. Anyone using the site without having purchased a subscription package may view a partial sample of the document, whereas paying members can download and edit the document for themselves. This makes perfect sense but if you look at some of our other reviews in this category then you’ll notice that a few sites offer full sample views, which makes them much more useful if you simply want to edit an existing document to suit your needs (without having to pay for it).

The site would benefit its users by providing more information on each document, although you can see when it was uploaded, a brief description and – as mentioned – a short sample. It also only provides a subscription service, rather than one-off payments for individual documents, meaning that it will primarily only be of good value to anyone if they plan on accessing a variety of documents over an extended period. Subscription prices are fair but they aren’t the cheapest you’ll find. However, the site is used by several reputable names and, in terms of accessing a range of documents, the fee is small for a business. The site also claims that it can cut your drafting time by 60%, which does seem possible since it gives you the template for a lot of forms, essentially meaning that you won’t need to create unique templates from scratch.

Aside from searching for and accessing forms, there are few other features on this site. Legal advice, or links to sites that provide it, would especially be useful. Support is available over the phone or via email, which seems a long and drawn out way of accessing basic information. This could have been overcome with more information on the site and a searchable FAQ.

We would recommend checking out Real deal Docs if you’re hoping to create several legal forms, otherwise it would be cheaper to go elsewhere. In particular this site seems suited to businesses which regularly need to find and edit legal documents, and it’s worth taking some time to explore the site if this is your situation.

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