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Public Legal Forms Reviews

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Editor's Overall Rating:
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(based on 0 reviews)

Category: US Legal Forms Websites
Website: http://www.ilrg.com/forms

Our Review Costs & Features User Reviews

Public Legal Forms Review

by No1Reviews.com.

Editor's Star Ratings:

Variety of Documents:
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Value for Money:
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Editor's Review:

The best things in life are free, so the saying goes. Well, if you really really love legal forms then you’ll be happy to come across Public Legal Forms, which offers US-specific legal documents, some of which are free of charge.

The site proudly proclaims to have over 2000 free forms, although you’ll need a bit of luck in finding them as we went through several and only found forms that cost $9.99. This is the usual price of any one download, which ought to be affordable for most people. Whilst you can ask questions about each document we would prefer to see more information provided in advance, allowing you to understand a form and its purpose, without necessarily having to make an enquiry. It seems like a small thing but if you really don’t know which forms you need then it’s a pain to have to guess.

The site itself is very basic and not particularly well organised. You essentially go through a series of hyperlinks to find your forms. However, it does offer a basic search, and with some documents you choose from a variety of options so that the correct form is provided. However this could all be made a lot smoother and more clear.

If you’re a bit of a legal guru then you can make some cash if you find any forms that don’t conform to US state law. The site also offers customer testimonials for you to get some sense of how useful their services have been for other users. However, there is no real FAQ to allow you to access information when you need it, and any information is dotted about the site, or provided on request. This makes browsing the site much more complex than it should be.

This site is really lacking in features, there really are few extras worth considering. This may be because much of the content is free, but it’s not really a great excuse. There is no legal advice offered, search functions are basic, and a general lack of information means that it can feel quite an alienating experience to browse around. However, the customer services team aims to respond within a day, and hopefully this will mean that you’ll get the information and support you need. On a site with sporadic access to information it would be useful to have a live chat feature so that users can get assistance immediately.

A positive of the forms on PublicLegalForms is that you can edit them indefinitely. You have full access to the forms and can make changes to update them as you see fit, as you need them. So, one purchase means that you own that template forever. This isn’t exclusive to this site, but it is certainly a positive.

To conclude, PublicLegalForms.com offers a US state law focused set of legal documents, so it’s only suitable for people in the US. However, a number of forms are provided for free, making it a great resource even if you decide not to purchase anything. It’s not the easiest site to navigate and could use some real improvements in terms of its organisation and the amount of information provided, but it does a decent job in terms of providing a range of legal form templates.

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