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Law Depot Reviews

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Editor's Overall Rating:
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(based on 1 review)

Category: US Legal Forms Websites
Website: http://www.lawdepot.com

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Law Depot Review

by No1Reviews.com.

Editor's Star Ratings:

Variety of Documents:
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Value for Money:
Overall Star Rating:

Editor's Review:

LawDepot is your fairly run-of-the-mill legal forms website. It has a satisfactory, but not very developed, catalogue of forms to choose from, offers some legal assistance and covers most of the key areas of law that you’re likely to be interested in, but it does nothing to really stand out from its competitors.

This site holds hundreds of legal documents ranging from estate, real estate, financial, business, family and more. You’ll easily be able to find most of the main legal documents that are in circulation, all of which have been developed by professional lawyers. The system is easier to use than some other legal forms websites as you simply click on the category of law you’re interested in, then choose from a range of documents with the aid of brief descriptions and links to frequently asked questions that are specific to the document you want to find. This is a tidy and practical way of laying out what could be a complex and unsettling site. However, as with so many websites, this could be improved by providing a well considered search function. Even a series of basic questions, with recommendations as to which forms you might need to consider, would be useful. That said, the site does offer suggestions as to other documents that you may be interested in, based on those you’re looking at already.

You can try this site for free for one week, which is great because it means you’ll be able to access hundreds of forms at no charge. Few details of the free trial are included, though, and you’ll need to hand over your credit card details to access the free trial. It’s also worth noting that once your trial has expired you will be charged $33 per month if you don’t cancel in time. Aside from this, you can purchase a 1 year pro licence, which allows you the additional feature of being able to share your documents online. This works out considerably cheaper than the month-by-month option, and offers very good value for any person or company which feels they might need to create several forms throughout the year.

LawDepot.com offers several guarantees including a 100% satisfaction guarantee (full refunds available for any purchases made in the last 50 days) and a 100% quality guarantee, through which you can earn $100 if you find a mistake on one of their forms. Meanwhile, if you incur any damages in legal judgement due to their forms being inaccurate, they will cover you for up to $10,000. This is all quite reassuring, and isn’t something that all sites necessarily offer their clients.

It’s not that Law Depot does all that much wrong, but it simply doesn’t offer the range of documents or the extra features and services that you can find elsewhere. If you’re looking to create, print, edit and share several legal forms for a limited range of legal needs over the next twelve months then this could be a relatively simple and cheap solution, but we do feel that there are superior sites which will provide a greater degree of support. The free one week trial is certainly worth a second look, though, as you’ve really got nothing to lose.

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