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Nolo Reviews

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Editor's Overall Rating:
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(based on 0 reviews)

Category: US Legal Forms Websites
Website: http://www.nolo.com

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No1Reviews.com's Gold Award

Nolo Review

by No1Reviews.com.

We have awarded Nolo our prestigious Gold Award in this category, having reviewed 11 US Legal Forms Websites. Read our review below to find out why...

Editor's Star Ratings:

Variety of Documents:
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Ease of Joining / Registration:
Customer Support:
Value for Money:
Overall Star Rating:

Editor's Review:

In the midst of a messy divorce? Want to make sure your last will and testament is in order? Looking to buy a new house? Well you’re not alone, and Nolo realises that some of these decisions will be the most important ones of your life. As such it offers a comprehensive service and range of products to help you manage your own legal affairs or to find assistance when necessary. A big part of such processes is developing and filing the correct paperwork, and this site goes the extra mile to help you do so.

Unlike many legal forms websites, Nolo doesn’t just provide you with a few templates, it also offers in depth descriptions, examples and specially designed products to help you manage your own legal issues. It does this by offering exclusive in-print or digital e-books that have been written to cover all the key areas you’ll need to understand in order to take matters into your own hands. Subsequently we felt that this site offered a level of support and a range of features superior to many of its competitors.

You can purchase individual forms as you might elsewhere, although we have to admit that they are generally more expensive here than we’ve seen elsewhere. Not all of the documents come with textbooks, either, so in some cases Nolo.com doesn’t really offer a more superior product and service than you’ll find on cheaper sites. However, if you are looking for assistance in creating particular documents that do come with books and guides then you’ll have a great advantage in terms of the amount and quality of information that is available to you. By way of example: if you’re looking to get divorced you can purchase a divorce bundle for $46.99, which includes three books that detail how to divorce without needing to hire an attorney, how to divide money fairly and advice on child support and alimony payments. This level of detail really can be vital, and it’s something of a rarity.

There are several other features on this site which sets it apart from its peers, including a large range of calculators and questions which will help you to work out your finances. You can also read recent articles and posts on the site’s blog, or even listen to professionals talking on a series of podcasts. Nolo also offers some resources for finding lawyers or legal assistance through its directory, although it doesn’t maintain an “ask a lawyer” feature which you can find on other sites. This would essentially allow you to acquire quick legal advice from a trained professional for a set fee, without the need to set up a meeting and hire a lawyer just for a few brief answers.

Nolo is more expensive than its competitors if you just want a legal forms template. However, if you feel that a greater level of insight, along with some advice, might be useful to your particular needs, this is definitely a site worth serious consideration.

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